… to listen to:

História de livros com a jornalista Ana Daniela Soares. 2021-ongoing
TV series, RTP.  [Multiple seasons / Language: Portuguese]

We become human through language. We come into the world recognizing the stories that surround us and trying to put these stories into words. But language is a weak tool and rarely manages to communicate what it is we want to say. What are the obstacles to making ourselves understood, and how can we overcome them in a society in which the intellectual act holds no prestige?
In partnership with the Society for Graduate Students at Western and the London Public Library.
Video. Words Festival on Youtube [1:16:06 / Language: English]

Lectures given at the Collège de France as “chaire annuelle L’invention de l’Europe par les langues et les cultures” 2021/2022.
Video collection. Multiple lectures available. [Language: French]

Excerpt from the French television programme “La Grande Librairie” hosted by François Busnel. March 20, 2014
Video on Youtube. [06:51 / Language: French]

The Teagle Fund Working Group, “What is a Reader?” sponsored a day of events at the University of California, Santa Cruz on January 26th, 2012
Video. IHR on Vimeo [37:02 / Language: English]

Der Schriftsteller Alberto Manguel war als Jugendlicher Vorleser vom erblindenden Jorge Luis Borges. In dessen Werk lernte Manguel das Dunkel der Existenz kennen. Abgründig und unheimlich ist denn auch seine Neuerscheinung «Zwei Liebhaber des Schattens»...
SRF Player   [55:22 / Language: German]

2010 Finzi-Contini Lectures at Yale Universitys Whitney Humanities Center.
YaleUniversity  [01:05:11 / Language: English]

L’altra metà del libro – il festival di quelli che leggono – dedica tre giorni a “la lettura e il sogno” per parlare di libri, di autori e di lettori.”Il libro ha bisogno del lettore per venire alla luce. Con David Albahari, …
[43:44 / Language: Italian]

Why has reading survived? The fascinating history of the written word from prehistory to the future.
Four part television series with Alberto Manguel, Sydney Kuhne, Travis Kuhne.
Video. Four Episodes on TVO. [52 minutes each. / Language: English]

Alberto Manguel fue lector de Borges debido a la ceguera del autor argentino. Pero durante ese tiempo también descubrió el lector que había en Borges y el lector que Borges quería encontrar en todas las personas…
casamerica  [16:43 / Language: Spanish]



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